The Emperor Has No Brains

Posted by Bruce - in Uncategorized - No Comments

I ordered two galloons of Kool Aid for the DNC but after last nights debate performance even they couldn’t drink. The emperor was revealed to be completed naked from toe to brain. By the way, was one of the most comprehensive statements he made and that was on repeat mode again, again and…  In terms of sports the moderator should have stopped the match before the first commercial break and sent Joe home to get in his pj’s and grab some ice cream. All the drugs were doing was keeping one eye wide open while the other was as creepy as his hair smelling technique. If Joe wasn’t actually in the White House this would have been hysterical. The truth has been revealed and now it’s time to make sure the new President actually has a brain.

FOOTNOTE-  Sorry, there is no Bud in this post as our country and world truly need new leadership ASAP.

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