Jill Frankstein- A Shadow Series

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JILL – No, we won’t leave!! It will work out!

BARACK-  It better.

JILL-  I’m a doctor okay! Igor did you get the Brain.

IGOR-  Doctor, you said with the advances you could use a follicle of DNA or???

JILL- Whatever we don’t have much time to change Joe’s Brain before the vultures come out, Barack.

BARACK- Hey, I’m just trying to save your Presidency.

JILL- Just hand me the damn scalpel.  Now the follicle. Thank you Igor

BARACK- What are we waiting for?

JILL- The lightning of course.

O.S. Crackle of lightning

JILL- Joe, come here

BARACK- He’s walking to you and both his eyes are open. That’s amazing!! You don’t have to hold his hands!

JILL- Joe walk to the right.

BARACK- Michelle, is going to be pissed but who now where’s the pants in my family. Oh yeah! Oh yeah!!

JILL- Okay now comes the big test! By the way Igor where did you get this follicle from.

IGOR- Some rally in the Bronx. I think it’s called Crotona!!

JILL- Crotona? Joe, speak

BARACK- Wait!!! Crotona!!

JOE-   What’s wrong with trying to make this country great again.

JILL, BARACK- Oh no!!!!

JILL- Maybe my White House story does come to an end as even Joe now is smart enough  to vote for Trump.

No Water -Based On A True Story

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Uncategorized - No Comments

Suddenly what was normal and predictable didn’t exist! The shower that started the day ended the night before. Yes, I could grab a bottle water for now but how long would that last especially if this was something occurring further then my residence. Without water how would I literally exist past a few days what 3 days? I guess there is a lake nearby but can I safely drink that water if it came down to this situation.  What if this was nationwide could we deal with such a crisis before panic and rioting occurred?  I realized right there right now how spoiled I became and also that my water security device turned it off.

Find It Cleaner -Business Concept

Posted by Bruce - in Business, Uncategorized - No Comments

With the “Find It Cleaner” it will step in it not Y-O-U.  For, this cleaner will look and clean up the presents you’re four legged friends left behind. Sanitizing your floor being your feet even take a step. This way if you forget to take “Spot” out for a walk at least the guilt will not remain long after, well on your floors.  The “Find It Cleaner” let something else be your defective of S**t!!

My Team**E**

Posted by Bruce - in Uncategorized - No Comments

It’s my team that’s why!  They may not be winning but me and my friends still route for them. We route for them through thick and thin but lately honestly it feels like we’re fasting without asking for it.  The difference is the wins and losses are not on any field but in people’s life’s and even their existence as a whole. Can’t you understand I was raised this way with my dad and mom at least unified on this front? It’s just that real people are suffering and as much as I want to blame it on the past my team is on the field now!!  I think this time around I’m just going to sit out and honestly am  considering the opposite team. For there is a higher purpose then me being a cheerleader for something not worth cheering for.

Please, Please, Please- Sure

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

Please, please, please “Sabrina Carpenter” is surely another great song by this artist touching on the heels of Taylor Swift this summer.  Will this last past one summer as Olivia Rodrigo has or is it just a passing phase. We’ll have to wait for who controls the dials but this summer Sabrina Carpenter appears to be the beach everyone wants to dip their feet into. As “Please, Please, Please” is just another blockbuster song from this wonderfully talented artist.


Biden No Rocky

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments


If Biden continues to run for re-election his supporters will try to portray him as “Rocky”, but trust me that is past fiction. Here are some of the reasons (below) to keep in mine.

(1) Rocky never lost in the 1st round.

(2) Biden continues to fight even though his mind  is way past the age to get in any ring.

(3) They drug test those who enter a boxing match.

(4) Rocky was actually loved by his fans

(5) Biden can hardly stand for ninety minutes let land a punch.

(6) Rocky actually doesn’t mumble sentences even after he has been punched out.

(7) Would anyone actually pay to see a sequel of Biden except for Hunter?