Jill Frankstein- A Shadow Series

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

JILL – No, we won’t leave!! It will work out!

BARACK-  It better.

JILL-  I’m a doctor okay! Igor did you get the Brain.

IGOR-  Doctor, you said with the advances you could use a follicle of DNA or???

JILL- Whatever we don’t have much time to change Joe’s Brain before the vultures come out, Barack.

BARACK- Hey, I’m just trying to save your Presidency.

JILL- Just hand me the damn scalpel.  Now the follicle. Thank you Igor

BARACK- What are we waiting for?

JILL- The lightning of course.

O.S. Crackle of lightning

JILL- Joe, come here

BARACK- He’s walking to you and both his eyes are open. That’s amazing!! You don’t have to hold his hands!

JILL- Joe walk to the right.

BARACK- Michelle, is going to be pissed but who now where’s the pants in my family. Oh yeah! Oh yeah!!

JILL- Okay now comes the big test! By the way Igor where did you get this follicle from.

IGOR- Some rally in the Bronx. I think it’s called Crotona!!

JILL- Crotona? Joe, speak

BARACK- Wait!!! Crotona!!

JOE-   What’s wrong with trying to make this country great again.

JILL, BARACK- Oh no!!!!

JILL- Maybe my White House story does come to an end as even Joe now is smart enough  to vote for Trump.

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